
Eye had a SLR camera about 20 years ago.

It was not mEye own camera, but the friend it belonged to wasn't that much interested in taking pictures as Eye and so she was so gracious to let me use it all the time.

Eye took it to Israel, to South Africa and everywhere Eye could think of.

Eye didn't take much time and effort to create "the perfect shot". Eye only wanted to collect great memories. It worked - even with the "auto-mode". But during the time, a desire aroused, a desire to take really great pictures. Also, sometimes Eye was frustrated that a shot had not the expected outcome.

mEye camera friend moved away 15 years ago and took her camera with her. So Eye was abstinent (P&S cameras are not really satisfying if you once tasted more) for a long time.

For several reasons, Eye thought, this hobby couldn't be revived... but Eye have a wonderful, precious SisterEye and she and mEye mom made it possible...

Since one week Eye can shoot great pictures again... at least theoretically. But this time, Eye want more.

And so Eye started by reading a great book about Aperture, Shutter Speed and ISO.

It's gonna be a long journey. But Eye has already seen many great split seconds, "Moments in Time" and can't wait to banish them on a memory card.